Prof. Ned Mohan
Regents Professor, Oscar A. Schott Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis , USA
Dr. Ned Mohan (LF-IEEE) joined the University of Minnesota in 1975, where he is Oscar A. Schott Professor of Power Electronic Systems and Morse-Alumni Distinguished Professor. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur in 1967. His PhD in Electrical Engineering and Master’s in Nuclear Engineering are from UW-Madison. He has written 6 textbooks; all together, they have been translated into nine languages. He has graduated 50 PhDs to date. His area of research is in power electronics applied to power systems and he holds several patents. He has received many awards including the IEEE James Mulligan Education Medal. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Regents Professor at the University of Minnesota, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Keynote Speech: Climate Change – Responsibility/Opportunity of Education and Research in Electric Power
Abstract: There is no question that the climate crisis is an existential threat. Given that, what those of us in teaching and research in the field of electric power are to do? This presentation will explore this question by looking at our responsibilities as well as the opportunities in education and research.